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- Bookshelf ·
Care Boss: Leadership Strategies & Resources for Family Caregivers
Jennifer A. O’Brien, MSOD, has 35+ years in healthcare leadership. She pairs professional acumen with her intimate experience as a family caretaker to each of…

- Bookshelf ·
Influencing Death: Reframing Dying for Better Living
Hospice Nurse Penny Hawkins Smith is an expert on death and dying. Known on social media as @hospicenursepenny, Penny has used different platforms to educate…

- Bookshelf ·
Suddenly Without Warning: A Mother’s Journey Through Grief
Suddenly Without Warning takes readers on the grief journey of Miriam Tarcov, whose oldest child, Joshua, died unexpectedly in a car accident. The book title…

- Bookshelf ·
Living With Sibling Grief: Imagining a Way Forward
Earla Dawn Legault and Monica Murphy share a common bond. They both lost sisters, leaving them with a deep and profound grief that isn’t often…

- Bookshelf ·
Memento Mori by Joanna Ebenstein
From internationally recognized death expert, Joanna Ebenstein, comes Memento Mori, The Art of Contemplating a Better Life. This book offers you a 12 week program…

- Bookshelf ·
Grief on the Playground by Shanice McLeish
Written by Shanice McLeish and illustrated by Maria Finocchiaro, Grief on the Playground is beneficial for all children who have lost someone they loved. This…

- Bookshelf ·
The ABC’s of Grief: a children’s grief book for all types of loss and grief by Jessica Correnti
Grief is something everyone will face at some point in their lives. It’s hard to deal with life’s losses and it can be doubly difficult…

- Bookshelf ·
Briefly Perfectly Human by Alua Arthur
Alua Arthur is an experienced Death Doula who works with dying clients and their loved ones. She also trains the death-workers through her company Going…

- Bookshelf ·
Nothing to Fear: Demystifying Death to Live More Fully by Julie McFadden
Known online as “Hospice Nurse Julie”, Julie McFadden shares the valuable lessons she’s learned in her fifteen years as an RN in the ICU and…

- Bookshelf ·
The Stars Will Still Be There by Nicola Nuttall
Nicola and Mark Nuttall’s 18-year-old daughter Laura found out she had only 12 months to live, following a diagnosis of the most aggressive form of…

- Latest ·
Resources for Dealing with Dementia
Many people are affected by dementia at end of life. Dementia is not a specific disease but is rather a general term for the impaired…

- Bookshelf ·
Listen: How to Find the Words for Tender Conversations by Dr Kathryn Mannix
From the author of With the End in Mind comes a book about holding conversations about death, dying, forgiveness, apology and legacy. Dr. Kathryn Mannix…

- Bookshelf ·
Seeing the GEMS Workbook by Teepa Snow
Seeing The GEMS Workbook comes from Teepa Snow, a dementia care specialist, and is perfect for both family and professional care partners of anyone living…

- Bookshelf ·
The Art of Dying
This book by Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick presents “accounts by the dying and those who have been with the dying in their final hours”…

- Bookshelf ·
THE ENDLESS WAVE A Skateboarder’s Perspective on Death, Dying and Spirituality by Michael Brooke & Nathan Ho
“Millions of articles, books, videos, podcasts and pieces of art are dedicated to the ideas surrounding death and dying. But I’d wager a large fortune…

- Bookshelf ·
The Final Act of Living by Barbara Karnes
This full-length audiobook with a newly updated preface is where Barbara Karnes shares her insights and experiences gathered over decades of working with people during…

- Bookshelf ·
The Tao of Death by Dr Karen Wyatt
Dr Karen Wyatt has spent much of her 25-year career as a hospice medical director caring for dying patients in their homes. In The Tao…

- Bookshelf ·
We Are Carried by Sara Rian
We Are Carried is a collection of poetry about grief, death, and birth. This book captures the beauty and pain behind becoming a parent while…

- Bookshelf ·
Finding Meaning: The Sixth Stage of Grief
We know of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’ classic Five Stages of Grief. David Kessler has continued that journey to discover a sixth stage: meaning. In this book,…

- Bookshelf ·
End of Life Tips by Gabrielle Elise Jimenez
As a a hospice nurse, end-of-life-doula, and a conscious dying educator, Gabrielle Elise Jimenez has compiled tips that she feels would be most helpful…

- Bookshelf ·
The Death Doula’s Guide to Living Fully and Dying Prepared
The author of Cultivating the Doula Heart and Map of Memory Lane, Francesca Arnoldy, has been a community doula & death literacy advocate for many…

- Bookshelf ·
Executor Help: How to Settle An Estate by David E. Edey
Our reluctance to talk about the inevitable can only cause a lot of problems after we’ve gone. As a certified executor, David Edey has witnessed…

- Family ·
Grieving While Estranged
“It’s simply not true that blood is the ultimate bond; some families have become so damaged by trauma that time together is harmful for all…

- Bookshelf ·
I’ll Always Love You By Hans Wilhelm
Our animal companions are important parts of our lives and their death is a difficult, life changing event. I’ll Always Love You is a gentle…

- Family ·
Grieving During Passover
Passover is the most family- centered Jewish Holiday. Those who have lost a loved one are living with their sadness when others are celebrating a…

- Bookshelf ·
It’s OK That You’re Not Ok: Meeting Grief and Loss in a Culture That Doesn’t Understand
In It’s OK That You’re Not OK, Megan Devine offers a profound new approach to both the experience of grief and the way we try to help…

- Bookshelf ·
A Peaceful Piggy’s Guide to Sickness and Death Sadness and Love
Experiencing a loved one’s illness or death is challenging for both children and their grownups. With three distinct sections to choose from—when someone we love…

- Bookshelf ·
The Salami Salesman and His Daughter Falafel: What an Older Man’S Death Can Teach Us About How and How Not to Care for the Frail and Dying
Dr Laurie Mallery is a practising physician of internal and geriatric medicine at a major urban teaching hospital, where she takes care of frail older…

- Bookshelf ·
Confessions of a Griever
You’re NOT crazy and your feelings ARE normal. By using humour, Chrystal Webster wants readers to know they are not alone. Confessions of a…

- Family ·
When Ignoring the Holidays Is Not an Option
As the Holidays approach, excitement and anticipation come with it. But not for everyone. For those grieving it can come with dread and sadness. So…

- Bookshelf ·
Hard Choices for Loving People & Light in the Shadows by Hank Dunn
Hank Dunn, MDiv, is an ordained healthcare chaplain who, during his career of over 30 years, has helped countless patients and their families navigate healthcare…

- Family ·
How to Be Helpful When Someone Dies (Besides Bringing Food)
When we hear that someone has died, we think of ways to help and one of those things is to drop off food at the home of the…

- Bookshelf ·
Living Fully, Dying Consciously by Sue Brayne
“Living Fully, Dying Consciously” steps into the heart of the human condition to explore why our entire life is a psychological and spiritual preparation for…

- Bookshelf ·
At Heaven’s Door By William J. Peters
In 2000, end-of-life therapist and founder of the Shared Crossing Project William Peters was volunteering at the Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco when he…

- Bookshelf ·
Walking Him Home
Alan and Joanne marry in midlife and live a happily-ever-after existence until, at sixty-nine, Alan is diagnosed with a rare, fatal, neurodegenerative illness. As…

- Bookshelf ·
You Won’t Always Be This Sad
Sheree Fitch has turned grief into poetry in this book from a reassurance her own mother had given her; her own mother who had also…

- Bookshelf ·
The End of Life Guideline Series by Barbara Karnes
Barbara Karnes, RN, is an internationally respected speaker, educator, author, and considered a leader on matters of end-of-life. While present at the bedside of…

- Grief ·
What to Expect at a Jewish Funeral
In the Jewish faith, the community has their own customs in regard to funeral practices. Some customs are dictated by tradition while others are the…

- Bookshelf ·
It’s Your Funeral!: Plan the Celebration of a Lifetime–Before It’s Too Late
Death is scary—but planning your funeral doesn’t have to be! It’s Your Funeral! will help demystify death, decrease your anxiety, and put the fun back in funeral, whether that…

- Grief ·
Ask Them to Tell You Their Stories
In the presence of tragedy, we often say “I can’t imagine”. In these days of the ‘grief pandemic’, Rebecca Soffer thinks it’s time that we…

- Grief ·
Understanding grief: Symptoms, Stages, and Coping
Grief is a natural response to loss, yet can still be difficult to understand. That’s why the folks at Single Care published this medically-reviewed guide…

- Family ·
COPE-ing with the Loss of a Child
The COPE Foundations was formed by and for parents dealing with the loss of a child. Through this free service, people can find comfort and…

- End of Life Preparation ·
How Our Brains Shield us from Mortal Truth
Researchers say our brains do their best to keep us from dwelling on our inevitable demise. “The moment you have this ability to look into…

- End of Life Care ·
How Do You Want To Die?
In a year when death is unavoidably top of mind, a growing number of female-founded online platforms have set out to revolutionize palliative care and digitize estate…

- Family ·
How to Cope When You’re Grieving the Loss of a Pet
They are more than just pets, they are our companions and part of our family. So just because the loss isn’t human, doesn’t mean it…

- Family ·
My Wife Of 51 Years Died. Here’s What I Learned.
Richard Toth thought he was prepared for the death of someone he loved for more than half a century. Then he discovered that he wasn’t.…

- Grief ·
Grief and the Holidays
Holidays mark the passage of time in our lives. They are part of the milestones we share with each other and they generally represent time…

- Grief ·
How to Cope with Grief During the Holidays
Grief does not take a back seat during the holidays and can often be magnified. It’s important to acknowledge your feelings and not avoid them.…

- Grief ·
64 Examples of Disenfranchised Grief
We often equate grief to a physical death, but that isn’t always the case. Grief takes on many forms and disenfranchised grief is just one…

- Grief ·
How Grief Works
It’s pretty safe to say that grief is one of those emotional bullets that’s impossible to dodge. Unfortunately for the majority of us, grief becomes…

- Grief ·
The truth about animal grief
“We humans don’t own love or grief – these emotions are widespread in other animals,” says Dr Barbara J King, Emerita Professor of Anthropology at…

- Family ·
What My Dad’s Death Taught Me About Life
Paul Ollinger didn't shed a tear when his dad died. Instead, he was flooded with an overwhelming sense of gratitude for his father's life and the lessons he left behind.

- End of Life Preparation ·
14 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Making A Will
This great article is from UK Solicitors, Percy Hughes & Roberts, but the advice is applicable to many countries around the world. It is always best to seek legal counsel.

- End of Life Preparation ·
Privilege and The Good Death
The ultimate mission of those involved in the “death positive” movement is to advocate for and acheive “a good death” which means death that is…

- Grief ·
The Second Year After a Loved One’s Death
Jackson Rainer was a psychology professor for 25 years, researching grief and bereavement. All the while, he struggled with his wife’s genetic cancer syndrome which…

- Bookshelf ·
What Does it Feel Like to Die?
Author Jennie Dear’s book “What Does It Feel Like to Die?: Inspiring New Insights into the Experience of Dying” is a touching and compassionate book…