Alan and Joanne marry in midlife and live a happily-ever-after existence until, at sixty-nine, Alan is diagnosed with a rare, fatal, neurodegenerative illness. As he becomes increasingly disabled and dependent on others, and decreasingly able to find joy in life, he decides he wants to end his suffering using Colorado’s Medical Aid in Dying law.Joanne desperately wants Alan to live, but when he asks for her help completing the Medical Aid in Dying application, she can’t say no. She helps him complete the requirements, hoping deep down that his application will be denied…only to be stunned when his medical team approves his request and writes him a prescription for the life-ending drugs.Tender and heartfelt, this is Joanne Kelly’s story about loving extravagantly—and being loved in kind.


  • Grief ·
Pet Bereavement
“…grief is grief…” This Huffington Post article, Pet Bereavement Is No Different Than Human Bereavement discusses what you might expect to experience when you lose…
  • Grief ·
Grief is Healing In Motion
In this excerpt from Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home, Toko-pa Turner explores how grief is more than an expression of pain. Grief is our inner acknowledgement…

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