The When You Die Project:
Hosting the conversation you've been avoiding.
From existential afterlife questions such as “What happens when you die?” to hospice care and the nuts-and-bolts of end-of-life planning, if it has to do with death, we’re talking about it — Through movies, podcasts, resources, and more. We believe death awareness brings a happier end to a fuller life.
The Movies
Director Johanna Lunn guides viewers on a personal journey to find answers by, exploring stories of near-death experiences, deathbed visions and more.
Chapter 3
Architecture of Death
Available to buy for educational or public performance licensing. Contact Home use will be available early 2025. Stay tuned for public screening and streaming events!
Grief on the Playground by Shanice McLeish
Written by Shanice McLeish and illustrated by Maria Finocchiaro, Grief on the Playground is beneficial for all children who have
The ABC’s of Grief: a children’s grief book for all types of loss and grief by Jessica Correnti
Grief is something everyone will face at some point in their lives. It’s hard to deal with life’s losses and
Briefly Perfectly Human by Alua Arthur
Alua Arthur is an experienced Death Doula who works with dying clients and their loved ones. She also trains the
Nothing to Fear: Demystifying Death to Live More Fully by Julie McFadden
Known online as “Hospice Nurse Julie”, Julie McFadden shares the valuable lessons she’s learned in her fifteen years as an
The Stars Will Still Be There by Nicola Nuttall
Nicola and Mark Nuttall’s 18-year-old daughter Laura found out she had only 12 months to live, following a diagnosis of
WYD Podcast With Lisa Pahl: Dealing with Death.. With a game of cards
Death is in the cards, so why not deal yourself a hand and have a laugh? That’s what the Death Deck is about. Created by Lisa Pahl and her business partner Lori LoCicero, The Death Deck offers a creative way to have those difficult conversations. As a Hospice and Emergency Medicine Social Worker, Lisa saw first hand how people avoid the topic of death, even those who work in end of life care. She joins Kelley Edwards for a chat about how important it really is to have these conversations before it’s too late.
WYD Podcast with Karen Wyatt, MD: 7 Lessons From The Dying
Hospice physician, Dr. Karen Wyatt has been widely recognized for her compassionate presence with patients and her deep understanding of the spiritual aspect of health, illness and dying. In this episode, Johanna Lunn talks with Hospice physician Dr Karen Wyatt about Seven Lessons for the Living from the Dying, a beautiful book about Dr Wyatt’s entre into hospice work after her father died and the many life-giving lessons she received from her patients.
In the Realm of Death & Dreaming
is now for sale!
In this documentary director Johanna Lunn explores what happens when you die – does consciousness continue or is it lights out?
See what people are saying
about the film!
Movies that deal with Dementia
Dementia is not a single disease. It’s an overall term to describe a collection of symptoms that one may experience
The Art of Dying
This book by Peter Fenwick and Elizabeth Fenwick presents “accounts by the dying and those who have been with the
How Deathbed Phenomena Can Impact Those Left Behind
“Among the things we have learned about death is that there are also some exceptional experiences that occur around the
Postal Service for the Dead
One of the hardest things when dealing with the reality of death is being faced with the fact that you’ll
New Study Shows Some Patients Who ‘Died’ but Survived Report Lucid ‘Near-Death Experiences’
What happens when we actually die—when our heart stops and all electrical activity “flatlines” in our brain? Scientists have not
Spoiler Alert- We Are All Going to Die
Marion Foreman has been a nurse for 50 years and has seen many deaths. Naturally, this has had an impact
In the Realm of Death & Dreaming
is now for sale!
In this documentary director Johanna Lunn explores what happens when you die – does consciousness continue or is it lights out?
The When You Die Project: Hosting the conversation you’ve been avoiding.
From existential afterlife questions to palliative care and the nuts-and-bolts of green burial, if it has to do with death, we’re talking about it. We believe death awareness brings a happier end to a fuller life. is where you’ll find clips from our upcoming documentary about death along with stories around death that inspire us, intrigue us, and help further a healthy discussion about death in our culture.
We don’t endorse every point of view in these stories but respect them and offer them up in the spirit of reclaiming death as a rich, challenging, rewarding, exhausting, heartbreaking, heart-filling, integral part of our human journey.