Ask Them to Tell You Their Stories

In the presence of tragedy, we often say “I can’t imagine”. In these days of the ‘grief pandemic’, Rebecca Soffer thinks it’s time that we do imagine.
“The truth is, it’s not that we can’t imagine the experience. It’s that we don’t want to. In saying that the deep loss someone is feeling is too unbearable to picture, what we’re really doing is drawing a line: not mine, not ours, only yours. “


  • Grief ·
Modern Loss
“One of the best things someone said to me soon after my partner died,” says therapist and writer Megan Devine, “was: With something this big, ‘just…
Grieving Everyday Losses
  • Grief ·
Grieving Everyday Losses
We are aware of the great losses in life, but what about the small ones? The American Counseling Association acknowledges that we have little griefs…

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