The Salami Salesman and His Daughter Falafel: What an Older Man’S Death Can Teach Us About How and How Not to Care for the Frail and Dying

Dr Laurie Mallery is a practising physician of internal and geriatric medicine at a major urban teaching hospital, where she takes care of frail older patients and sees a lot of dying. But Dr Mallery writes this account, not only as a physician but as a daughter caring for a frail parent at the end … Read more

Confessions of a Griever

You’re NOT crazy and your feelings ARE normal.   By using humour, Chrystal Webster wants readers to know they are not alone. Confessions of a Griever provides “laughable lessons when life just sucks”. Her story of infant loss and infertility is not unique; at the same time, she found herself lonely and debilitated from the … Read more

Hard Choices for Loving People & Light in the Shadows by Hank Dunn

Hank Dunn, MDiv, is an ordained healthcare chaplain who, during his career of over 30 years, has helped countless patients and their families navigate healthcare decisions during serious illness. He has gathered insights from these patients and compiled them into two easy-to-read books. Hard Choices for Loving People is a compassionate guide for helping patients and … Read more

How to Be Helpful When Someone Dies (Besides Bringing Food)

When we hear that someone has died, we think of ways to help and one of those things is to drop off food at the home of the grieving family. The idea is to nourish the mourners to whom the last thing they are thinking of is food. But also knowing that many people are dropping by and rather than burden the … Read more

You Won’t Always Be This Sad

Sheree Fitch has turned grief into poetry in this book from a reassurance her own mother had given her; her own mother who had also lost a son. Fitch captures her own struggles as she emerges from shock, deep sorrow, unexpected rage, and boundless love. She discovers that she “dwells in a thin place now,” … Read more

The End of Life Guideline Series by Barbara Karnes

  Barbara Karnes, RN, is an internationally respected speaker, educator, author, and considered a leader on matters of end-of-life. While present at the bedside of hundreds of people during the dying process, hospice pioneer Karnes noticed that each death was following a near-identical scenario. Each person was going through the stages of death in almost … Read more

What to Expect at a Jewish Funeral

In the Jewish faith, the community has their own customs in regard to funeral practices. Some customs are dictated by tradition while others are the result of local laws and regulations. Rabbi Joe Black has laid out the steps for family and mourners and what to expect at a Jewish Funeral Read the full article … Read more

Millennials Are Feeling Their Mortality

It isn’t just the senior population that have their last wishes recorded. As the Wall Street Journal reports, the pandemic has changed the way younger people are looking at getting their affairs in order. Read the Full Article Here >>

COPE-ing with the Loss of a Child

The COPE Foundations was formed by and for parents dealing with the loss of a child.  Through this free service, people can find comfort and support by being together with those who could understand. Learn More Here >>

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