- End of Life Preparation ·
14 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Making A Will
This great article is from UK Solicitors, Percy Hughes & Roberts, but the advice is applicable to many countries around the world. It is always best to seek legal counsel.
- End of Life Preparation ·
Privilege and The Good Death
The ultimate mission of those involved in the “death positive” movement is to advocate for and acheive “a good death” which means death that is…
- Grief ·
The Second Year After a Loved One’s Death
Jackson Rainer was a psychology professor for 25 years, researching grief and bereavement. All the while, he struggled with his wife’s genetic cancer syndrome which…
- Bookshelf ·
What Does it Feel Like to Die?
Author Jennie Dear’s book “What Does It Feel Like to Die?: Inspiring New Insights into the Experience of Dying” is a touching and compassionate book…
- Grief ·
No casket, no cost: Tennesseans go back to ‘natural’ burial
Natural Burial is the most eco-conscious and low-cost burial option. In a societal environment where the commercialized, disconnected process of death has become the norm,…
- Grief ·
Grief is Healing In Motion
In this excerpt from Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home, Toko-pa Turner explores how grief is more than an expression of pain. Grief is our inner acknowledgement…
- Family ·
Preparing Children to Visit Someone Who is Dying
Death and Dying can be scary subjects, particularly for kids. But they don’t have to be. Honesty is the best way to prepare children when…
- Grief ·
Preserving Memories After Someone Has Died
Collecting and organizing old photographs can help during a time of grieving. Talk Death has some ideas to help organize that overwhelming pile of photos…
- End of Life Preparation ·
The Final Act: How We Can Learn to Face Our Death With Clarity and Compassion
Playwright, director, and author Karen Malpede makes a compelling call for us to embrace the important conversation and ask the important questions regarding death as…
- End of Life Care ·
Faces of palliative care
Words like “hospice” and “palliative care” are sometimes used interchangeably, but they don’t refer to the same things. Hospice is a type of care that…