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This was an amazing film. I look forward to the continuation of the journey started here in exploring death and consciousness.
I very much enjoyed this. Thank you.
Thank you so much. A beautifully created, insightful, comforting and much-needed film. It will be a gift for many people who are scared of dying.
Hi! I’m Lindsey, the co-host of the West Pasco Death Café. We got a message encouraging us to watch this film, and I’m so glad I did. The topic is fascinating enough, but the way it was presented here was spectacular. There is much knowledge and comfort packed into this beautifully woven narrative. I really do believe this film can help assuage the fears of many people who experience death anxiety. Thank you for the opportunity to view it. 🙂
This was beautiful. The two individuals that spoke and had NDE’s , had such peaceful looks on their faces.
I sat next to my sister, and saw her take her last breath in this life. Before she passed, she sat up and looked to the foot of the bed and was clearly having a conversation with “someone”. It helped me to realize she was not going to be alone. She did have a sparkly, glow to her skin when she passed too, as one of the speakers noted.
Thank-you for sharing this, I will share it with others.
The best is yet to be ……………
Thank you for this film which is very timely. My dad is currently approaching his transition and he has never been more loving. After a lifetime of being controlling and anxious, he now seems utterly appreciative, mainly of the relationships with his family. It is a gift. He is an atheist and a scientist, and I take comfort in the idea that he has an adventure awaiting him that perhaps he is now better prepared for, that the dying process is opening him to.
Listening to people share their stories of NDE’s always brings me to tears-what a mysterious journey Death is! Thank you for this film and allowing us this early viewing. Beautifully done!
Thank you for this film. My dad is very sick with dementia and I was afraid to be near him when he died. I now know I can do this and know he will be in peace.
Thank you for this beautiful film. The experts and narrator and all that was shared fills my heart with a new sense of purpose while I’m here.
A beautiful film combining stunning visuals with insightful commentary and speculation by experts. This film honors the mystery of what we experience, what we want to know, and what remains to be learned. Outstanding and highly recommended. Thank you.
What a stunningly beautiful film both visually and spiritually . I’m not sure what your plans are for distribution but the more people that see this the better. It will either start them on a previously unexplored path of looking beyond what they perceive as real or re-energize them to keep exploring what is surely a contracted view of our existence. Thank you
Wonderful film. Thank you so much!
Excellent…thank you for sharing.
I very much enjoyed this. Thank you.
Thank-you for sharing this beautiful film. I really appreciated not only the film but the entire way it was presented. The private screening concept made the experience feel very special.
I do believe in life after death I’ve recently lost my son and my sister and I can feel them n I get signs from them I know there there but I just can’t see them I want to know how to connect with the other side more ❤️
Thank you for creating this beautiful production about death and dying. I look forward to seeing the next episode.
I feel this documentary will be an excellent resource and of great comfort. My hope for those who could not be with their dying loved one when they took their last breath, will find comfort in your findings because of the visitations described of deceased loved ones by the dying person.
As an End-of-Life Doula I appreciate that our role was mentioned. We witness what is described in this documentary from the research findings.
Death can be a sacred time when you approach it as such.
I sat with my friend holding her hand as she was lying in a coma. I had visited her husband’s grave the day before and asked him to come and take her before the pain got too bad. I also asked for his support through the process. As she was preparing to go she opened her eyes, looked over my right shoulder and smiled a most beautiful smile. I could feel his hand on my shoulder giving me a supportive hug as he had often done when he was alive. Then she passed and left with him.
I really wish this amazing and deep subject matter makes its way into our schools as standard curriculum. Being given a framework and possible touch point into our humanity and connection to the beyond, I believe would result in more compassion in both ourselves and those around us as we tread this path of life (as we know it).
A wonderful cross section of scientists and those with experience of NDRs, so eloquently acknowledging the many ways of our knowing and the role of mystery and the transcendent. The animations were so perfect as they which managed to capture the spirit of the numinous and unknowable. Loved the many moments of profound wisdom elegantly expressed, especially David Maginley’s quote on Holy ground and Eating Blueberries and his story of the deceased mother’s spirit going through him causing him to laugh. This is a gem of a documentary, and one I will recommend to all my friends and colleagues. Congratulations on a work of art!
Thank you
Wow……… thank you for easing my fear of death ❤️
This film brought me to tears several times, dying seems to be such a sacred journey. When I worked with Hospice and with the deaths of family, it was a time of heightened awareness,. I felt the energy and movement with each passing. There were reunions with dead family members, words of wonderful things awaiting us, and other meaningful experiences.
I also agree that science and faith are joining more today than ever before. What I had believed with faith alone is now being explored and explained by science.
Thank you for the film. I enjoyed it immensely.
Thank you for the opportunity to pre screen this film.
My question…after a person experiences a NDE, how do they continue to live on the Earthly plain in a contented, satisfied way? It seems everyone would want to back to the place of expanded consciousness…
That was wonderfully done! Thank you
Beautiful, skillful, deep, clear, kind, clever, obviously brilliant, and no doubt will be helpful to many people. I hope you can disseminate it widely. Thank you all. Most warmly.
I witnessed my dad’s spirit (a white mist) leave his body at least an hour before he took his last breath. Before his spirit left his body, he kept holding his arms up as if he was being lifted.
Loving, nurturing, healing, connecting energy. Thank you.
To be passed on.
Lovely! Such a sweet blessing to us “viewers” . . . so many precious moments. Thankyou
In this documentary director Johanna Lunn explores what happens when you die – does consciousness continue or is it lights out?
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