A Peaceful Piggy’s Guide to Sickness and Death Sadness and Love

Experiencing a loved one’s illness or death is challenging for both children and their grownups. With three distinct sections to choose from—when someone we love is sick, dying, or has died—this guide will help you easily find soothing and practical mindfulness activities focused on what your young one needs in order to guide them through their big emotions and questions. These practices will help calm and empower children—and their grownups—as they discover they can still be with their loved ones through their heart connection, no matter where they are.

Kerry Lee MacLean wrote and painted A Peaceful Piggy’s Guide to Sickness and Death, Sadness and Love for the children of the pandemic, and for all the others facing the sickness or death of a loved one.

You can find Kerry Lee MacLean’s book here 


  • Grief ·
Grief is Healing In Motion
In this excerpt from Belonging: Remembering Ourselves Home, Toko-pa Turner explores how grief is more than an expression of pain. Grief is our inner acknowledgement…

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